Monday, February 20, 2012

From the Chronicles of Live Shows ~ Hops and Octane, Beer and Gasoline

It's Friday night. I love Fridays cause that means the week is over and I can blow off some steam until next week begins. At least that was the plan. What more can you ask for, but some great bands, booze and great friends. This night I found myself in Sun City, Az. Before you say anything, Sun City has changed from retirement homes to strip malls and outlet stores. The young have invaded and so did I.

Located on the border of Surprise is nice little club in a strip mall, called the Octane lounge. What makes it great is the fact this surrounded auto parts stores, detail shops and storage units, so I doubt a pair of custom rims are going to complain about the noise. The negatives are the fact that it has a unibomber shack sized stage (CBGBs if anyone remembers the stage), elongated bar, pool tables and two darts machines and professional sound booth, all of which take up too much room. This means that your looking at 100 people or 110 if we don't breath. the Octane is not about numbers though, it has a life of it's own and not located near any main hubs and with the different crowds in the area, it has a life all it's own. In fact, you kinda get that stereo-typical Arizona bar feel. Cowboys driving suburbans and bikers riding Goldwings and custom Harleys. The one thing that stands out is the fact the all the waitresses are actually singer/guitarists in pushup bras, that well, like to have fun and really get the crowd going.

When I arrived that the club, it was just getting going. It wasn't until asked to pay a cover that things got, well weird. There was a booking issue. After conferring with the sound guys, things came into focus. These guys are pros with extensive experience. They are also not bashful about it. They also have experience with stage lighting and stage effects, enough to make anyone nervous. They did however make up for the over-confidence in the fact that they had backup bands and backup waitresses.

Despite the lack of the band I wanted to see, I have to say, I had a BLAST!! That’s what counts, right? And to stay true to the name of the venue, while enjoying a cigarette outside, up rolls an awesome vehicular piece of art. I don’t know much about it, however touching it put a rush through my body. Getting in it even more so. Gangsta.

The first band to take the stage after a brief and thorough sound check (I did mention the sound guys were very experienced, right?) was Evesol. Evesol is a metal/screamo fusion of jazz/funk bass, trash guitars, old-school metal drums, one alternative singer and one guy that is just Decide/Iced Earth in one voice box. I was impressed by the band ability to make it look like a hardcore on the stage. They had a lot of energy and did play some good stuff. It was all going great til they tried a ballad. Everyone knows a good ballad starts slow and the builds and they just crawls. Not my choice for a last song. Just saying.

Next up, was Enirva. I was thinking it was going to be a clawhammer set. I just got that vibe. Man, I was so wrong. These three guys jump up on stage and pulled a Zeke. I do not lie. If you like Zeke and Against the Grain with some Melvins. See these guys. Tonight was the night the Octane Lounge lived up to its name. Oh shit, yeah. These guys pull off the great live set I have seen in years. The guitar and bass were dead on pulsating with the Drums. They even pulled a fast Black Sabbath cover. And just to make my heart race, they pull 7 minute Buzzo tribute by playing a song while standing right next to their amps. 3 guys with big fucking balls out sound. It wasn't until talking to the guys that I figured out they were in bands in Seattle. I am willing to bet they went to the same show I did or at least spent a lot of time at the Moe. Lesson learned here is one, you gotta see these guys live and two get your ass to Seattle to see Zeke and the Melvins play at their home club, the Moe.

*Pics courtesy of Glendale Punk. 
Thanks for covering my ass on
this chronicle...
Remind me to stay away from
those pink shots! 

All in all, I think I wanna bring some hardcore to this club. Who's with me?! My fellow music courtesans, visit this venue and check out these bands. Spread the word!

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