This post is quite diverse. Some great music regardless, so read the whole thing!!
Goatshead Saloon
Goatshead Saloon was first. The first band stormed the stage with a shirtless, caped guitar and a leather vested vox with a lamp reminiscent mic stand. Starting off, they played a classic rock/alternative mix song which provided a great starting energy. They were called Versions of You. The first song was a warm up, according to those on stage... which I have to admit got me excited for the next hour and a half. Further into the set the songs continued to be heavier than normal alternative. For me, a plus, with love song lyrics. Who doesn't like harder, anti mushy love songs? With the leather vested lead vocal, the only femme in the band started off off key, but built up to a supporring crescendo of a femme pursuasion.
The bass of the group supported a bluesy strain amongst the rock alternative mix. I was happy to see they were a very versatile band. I always kinda loathe coming to alternative tagged shows, but this band boosted my confidence in local alternative. What is the norm anyway? Alternative... Does it simply cover "the rest" of what doesnt fall into a specific genre category?
Sidenote time: god it was hot in there. Thus will be the days of summer shows. Even at inside events, the summer brings sweaty, sticky patrons and overheated artists, running up bar tabs and dehydrating party goers. Like every good club, however, water is readily available to re-electrolyte individuals. Kudos to the clubs for keeping the summer months exciting... if we have to live in the heat, why not enjoy it from a sticky body melting musical portrayal of hell?
Back to the music...I hate to admit this, the bandwas good up to this point. They attempted a harder song called War Machine. Short, metal vox, decent hardcore guitar... No solo, with a weak attempt at a split second screamo roar. Guys, i like what you play, but the alternative mixes work for you. They played another harder song, For the Masses, which really fucking rocked by the way. I don't normally do a play by play, but with an hour and a half long set I wanna make sure I cover all the bases with these guys.
"We the Ppl" was an awesome slow, ska sublime like song about what else? Weed. "I am the king of my universe, i remember when things were much worse..." The lyrics were very syncronized with the ska guitar. And just when I thought these guys couldn't get more varied in their musical styling, for the next song they pull out a xylaphone!! I love the opportunity to hear bands provide obscure instrumentals. This song's vox was also performed by the femme back up. I have to say, her back ups do her no justice. She exploded into a fierce vocal display that brought lighters lighting up the air im front of the stage. It was a slower song, but her vocal performance validated the slower, anti metal performance brought by the rest of the band. As for her back up vocals, I have to say that her performance as a supporting entity at times was appropriate for punk, yelling the repeating lyrics, with an apt melodic back up.
My favorite song from this large group of bandies? "Crazy." A song a bit reminiscent of of, again, a mixture of genres... 60s rock and the more modern 90s rock. Check them out on reverb to hear em!!
There were only two bands on the bill... The afore mentioned, and Classic Edge. Their first song... If it is to be a preindication of their set... Was the classic Born to be Wild. Classic. Dig it, yo. With a masculine lead, femme back up and truly metal talented instrental, so far the cow bell has my full attention. Who doesntike classic rock? So far the band is chock full of covers. Good ones at that!! Original solos, owning the songs instrumentally as well as bursting with true rock energy. They bring a great energetic crowd. Albeit inibriated, they know how to act at a rock show. Fantabulous to witness! The femme vocals could be more fierce live. During her first song, despite the lack of volume, she brings a later than expected chorus that fills the crowd. This girl is insane with her voicebox. Playing the lead with classic femme led songs, such as Criminal, I am appreciating an old school taste in this dubstep, hardcore world. A younger femme sharing the passion for a an older generation that a crowd as myself grew up in. This appreciation continues with some femme angst country.
Rogue Bar
Second half of the night I hit up the Rogue for hip hop. More white boys with more than talented and adequate lungs. Instead of Marshall Mathers type attitude the first act I caught had a stage energy more like the Beastie Boys. Fucking awesome. I thought this night was mediocre at best with the classic rock, but this boy onstage really made me want more. The energy and passion he put into his perfornance was evident by his tiring sit on stage. He was TKLB?.
Here are a couple tracks from TKLB?... My fav is the one titled "Lorax"
The second hip hop act I was there for was just as great. (Forgive me, I failed to note the name. If anyone knows, please comment below.) Love the vocals. You all know the Dirty Librarian. Im a huge sucker for deep, carnal vocals. This was hardcore with a deep beat. Much different than the horrorcore I experienced months ago with the Backwoods Butcher. More enjoyable, to a point; this guy expressed the screamo vocals better than the first band I saw tonight at Goatshead, fo sho. Vocally talented individuals, expressing their furvor as much as a rock band. If you people have been paying attention, you know thats what I gravitate to. Regardless of genre.
Throughout the whole show, they had an artist onstage painting. Shes fantastic too. Painting her canvas in the moment as the performer spins his own masterpiece through the mic. The art is actally very couture, unusual. Shit that catches the eye. Creative, original, artistic... the mixture of the audio art and asthetic creativeness was really impressive. If you have a chance to see a mutli art outlet show, do it! It superbly adds to the musical aspects of the show.
Local Hardcore Hip Hop... I have to say, you are giving me further reason to check out more shows. Music lovers of Pheonix!! Check out the artists, support them! Hit up their shows. Lets show our love to them for sharing theirs!
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