Who likes awesome creativeness? I do!! Enirva is a great group of boys from Mesa. From riffing guitars to thrashing drums, its all rounded out by metal vocals. On stage the energy is high and loud. Mixing an influence of a mainstream band with their own musical talent, Enirva puts on quite a show of vigorously energetic rock and roll. Hailing to the southern style rock, Enirva also has a couple great songs slowing things down. Expressing their instrumental flair, they place a halt on mad energy and construct an air of transcendent axe melody. If you appreciate a good guitar solo, then these guys would be a wonderful choice for you to go see.
I had a chance to meet Enirva this past weekend, and I gotta tell ya, they were down to earth and eager just to please the crowd. You can listen to their music online at Reverbnation. Having a fantastic energy onstage as well as creatively presenting music, they can be found next at Ice House Tavern March 3rd. Not too far away, kids! Getchoself a ticket or seven and enjoy!
As always, my wondermous phoenicians, it is a pleasure to share with you another local band full of musical veracity.
Enirva is:
Tony - Vox/Guitars
Tom - Bass/Vox
Joe - Drums
Introduce yourself!
I am Tom/bass-vocals for ENIRVA
How did you guys get together?
Back in 2001, I seen an AD in the New Times for guitar player seeks bass and drums to form a band. A list of influences were included..Kyuss, and a few others. I can't remember all the bands he had mentioned in the AD, but it caught my attention specifically for the bands that were listed. Anyway, I called him up and we went from there. Just to backtrack a bit, I moved here in 1996 from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan after graduating from college with a few friends that I played with back in Michigan. That never really transpired, but my good friend, Joe, moved here in 1998. He is a drummer that I played with on and off back in Michigan. We had that itch to start a band and that is when we discovered Tony's AD in 2001. When we started way back in 2001 we were called Medea and released two albums. Joe got married and moved to Virginia so Medea broke up and Tony and I formed a heavy doom metal band called Mosara. That eventually bit the dust and Joe ended up moving back here so we decided to reform under a different name and write new material. We changed the name to Enirva and there you have it. In a nutshell. A gigantic nutshell, or pistachio.
Whats in the name? How did Enirva become your identity?
Tony came up with the name and we agreed that it sounded cool and nondescript. We just wanted a name where you couldn't tell what kind of music it would be. A band like Cannibal Corpse you know it's not gonna be polka standards.
What albums have you released?
Two albums worth of material so far on Reverbnation that you can download for free...still working on a proper release, but just want to get our music out there.
What drives your music?
The love of playing it live. It sounds like a cliche but it's true. There's a high about playing live which to me is the best sort of feeling one can have. Whether your playing for 10 people or 1,000...It's an adrenaline rush.
Give me an example of your music writing process.
Usually Tony will come up with a riff and we'll work off that. I might come up with a bass line and Joe will come up with a drum pattern and we just arrange them accordingly. Very jam oriented. A feeling and vibe and then usually a structure starts to form. It's definetley not rocket science.
Hows the Phoenix music scene?
The scene is well represented by all sorts of great bands in different genres.The heavy rock scene in a stoner/doom/sludgey sense is flourishing.
Do you prefer the large venues or smaller dives?
Smaller dives. The places we play are fantastic. There not dives in a traditional Bukowski-ish sense but cool little place with great sound and awesome people.
Do you have a favorite venue you like to play?
Yes. We love them all! The Hollywood Alley, High Octane Lounge, Chasers, The Rock, The Rogue etc. Even the places we haven't played yet but are looking forward to...We love you also!!..We just love to play and they all have their heirs about them.
Your music has a lot of Black Sabbath influence. What other bands influence you?
There are so many influences that we all love. To many to list here. Just hit up our facebook page. Were all just genuine fans of music in general. Black Sabbath is a great place to start though.
Out in the East Coast scene, a band member mentioned in his experience most of the guys that create music such as his and other variants of metal have orchestra and symphony instrumental back round and love classical music. Is this true for you guys?
Yes. Beethoven and Liszt and Rachmaninoff among others. I think all classical music is an influence whether a band knows it or not.
Of all the shows you have played, which was your favorite?
All of them.
Whens your next show?
March 3rd at The IceHouse Tavern in Phoenix on 40th st. and Thomas.
Where do you see Enirva going in the next 3 years?
Just keep on keepin on. Playing music we love to play and writing new music and hopefully playing more gigs to more people!
Is there anything else you would like to share with the fans here in Phoenix?
Yes. Support local music and the local music scene! Thank you Nyx for helping that out by profiling local bands and coming to shows and getting the word out. We appreciate it! Cheers!!!!!
Thank you, my talented and ever inspired Enirva! Again, another fantastic musical entity from our very own Valley of the Sun. Visit their Reverbnation page, or Facebook, and I know they have t-shirts for sale... I got one. Who doesn't like band t's? Unfortunately, in my sleepless daze, I couldn't get the music into this post right, so if you wanna listen go to the above mentioned pages or stay tuned tomorrow!! Will definately figure it out someday...
Enjoy the band, support the scene, and shop local!
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